Double Brew

by DoubleBrew in Maidenhead, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Double Brew

Total raised £0

£20,000 target 24 days left
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Our aim is to fill a gap in the market and introduce a fitness protein right into tea and coffee.

by DoubleBrew in Maidenhead, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Hello, Thankyou to all those whom take the time out of their day to read up on this wonderful new concept. I am founder and creator of DoubleBrew. You maybe wondering what the heck all this is. We want to create a unique product for a gap in the market, Whey Protein Tea & Coffee. A wake up call and fitness drink in one cup. We want to attract investors whom believe gaps in the market products create successful  returns due to the lack of competition. We have a clear plan set in place with a goal to give back to our investors such as feedback, opportunity's to become part of the team, ownership in shares, assets and other violate aspects of the business. 

With your support we will offer more than other businesses to their investors, a real chance to get stuck in hands on with us. We will listen, transcript and take all feedback from you to make our journey as seamless as possible. 

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£20 or more

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Reward 1- Unlimited Access To the product for 3 years from the date of launch

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