Donations to Frome Town FC and Fair Frome

by Frome Town AFC in Frome, Somerset, United Kingdom

Donations to Frome Town FC and Fair Frome

Total raised £1,282

raised so far



Donate to Frome Town AFC and Foodbank charity Fair Frome.

by Frome Town AFC in Frome, Somerset, United Kingdom

All proceeds raised will be split 50:50 between us and Fair Frome.

The club appreciate any donations to us and Fair Frome.

With all the money raised going to supporter initiatives and to helping the food banks within Frome.

Thank you to all our supporters and well wishers, you are truly remarkable. We are #BA11

Something new...
Crowdfunder has the ability to now take regular monthly donations, so we've switched this on and will continue to share any money raised between the two causes on an ongoing basis.


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