Revised Crowdfunder Story
Title: Back to the Sea: A Fisherman's Plea
Hey there,
I'm a lifelong fisherman, and the ocean has been my home away from home for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, dealing with mental health issues and then breaking my arm a while back put a temporary pause on my career. But I'm not giving up.
I'm trying to raise some cash to get certified as an HSE Scuba diver. With this certification, I can get back out there and do what I love – fishing for razor clams and scallops. It's been tough being out of work, and I've missed the thrill of the job and the camaraderie on the boats, and the peace and quiet of the sea.
I've always been a self-sufficient person, but this has been a very difficult challenge for me. I've had to rely on savings and the kindness of friends and family to get by. But I'm determined to get back on my feet and provide for myself and my family.
If you can spare a few quid, it would mean the world to me. Every little bit helps.!
Thanks a bunch