The digital revolution has excluded some in the society. Those excluded are usually the most vulnerable ones in society because they are either poor, elderly or disabled.
Our smart device will ensure the digitally excluded can have the alternative means of accessing digital services in a simple and affordable way, thus, making it an ideal solution for all in society. Our device has 3 core principles as thus:
1. Inclusivity
Vulnerable people tend to be less visible in society, and so their voices are lost in the noise of positivity that surrounds digital technology. The longer these voices remain unheard, the more isolated these individuals become. We cannot allow such disparity to grow between the most and least vulnerable sections of society, Hence, this device makes it a core principle to drive inclusion.
Most times, all you really need to access a digital service is just a push of a button with no complexities.
With Inflation rising globally now, Can someone who cannot afford a standard smart device use adigital service?
The cost of accessing a digital service can be a major barrier for some people in society, hence, excluding them from accessing digital services provided by an organization.
our device is a low-cost device that is affordable and undoubtedly much cheaper than the standard smart devices in the market.