Dementia Friendly Social Tea Dances

by philippa beagley in Saint Leonards-on-sea, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Dementia Friendly Social Tea Dances

Total raised £1,890

raised so far



Help us to run 6 dementia friendly social tea dances in community settings across Hastings and St Leonards.

by philippa beagley in Saint Leonards-on-sea, East Sussex, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We will run additonal social tea dances for the elderly and those with disabilities

Who are we?

We are a charity based in Hastings, working to enable the whole community to engage in fun social dance activities.

We provide inclusive accessible dance sessions for the community, with a focus on dance for adults with learning and physical disabilities and dementia friendly dance in care homes. We also organise inclusive accessible family-friendly dance events, and are developing dance for independent wheelchair users and dance for those whose mental health prevents access to dance activities.



We aim to promote wellbeing within the community in three distinct ways:


Encouraging our participants to move their bodies in whatever way works for them, regardless of perceived mobility challenges.


Having fun, being creative and engaging in safe touch as part of a welcoming and supportive group.


Connecting with people in a friendly, fun, sociable setting. Making new friends and sharing positive, uplifting experiences together.


Why are we crowdfunding?

We would like to run 6 dementia friendly social tea dances in a range of venues, including Hastings House care home and st Michaels Hospice. These dances will be open to the elderly in the community, and their carers and be accessible to those with dementia and parkinsons. The dances will be lead by our experienced dance facilitators and supported by a team of volunteer dance buddies. Afternoon tean will be provided.

We will run as many tea dances as we can, depending on the money we raise, so every small donation will help!


How we’ll spend the money raised

The money raised will go towards paying our dance faciliators, providing an delicious afternoon tea for all participants and their carers, and contributing towards volunteer expenses.


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