Welcome to our crowdfunding page. Thank you for visiting us.
My name is Sammy Jane and I run a local community organisation in Darwen, Lancashire as well as with my incredible team of volunteers. We have a community shop and hub on Bridge Street which is a lifeline for many people in the community to access a wide range of support services. Furthermore, we offer group activities, support groups, and community events.
We are a self-funded organisation and rely on sales from our shop and support from our community to keep running the organisation.
Recently an opportunity was presented to us to expand Darwen Community Helpers CIC so that we can offer more services and groups to our community. Unfortunately, it comes at a further cost to us and this is why I am reaching out to you all today and doing this fundraiser again to see if I can raise enough funds to help with the running costs.
If you would like to find out more about what we do why not pop down to our shop and have a cuppa and chat? Or, you can visit our website or Facebook page. We would love the opportunity to show you why we need support.
The 90-day Darwen Tower Walking Challenge commences on Saturday 11th May and finishes on Thursday 8th August. If you would like to join us on our walking challenge please pop us a message on the page.
Thank you, Sammy xx