Daniel Coleman for DCT

by Daniel Coleman in Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Daniel Coleman for DCT
We did it
On 4th June 2024 we successfully raised £2,505 with 40 supporters in 20 days

This is Labour's best chance to take DCT in a long time and we need funds to take on the tories and the SNP!

by Daniel Coleman in Edinburgh, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

£1100 can get the campaign started and up to when the election is called. £2500 could take us right up to the general election itself and beyond with more money for more ambitious campaigning like social media ads and getting our message out across one of the biggest constituencies in the country!

We have launched our Crowdfunder for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale for the next election!  

Whatever you can give would be hugely appreciated, even if it's £5. Every penny raised will be spent on campaigning, for instance on leaflets, posters and postage. This is one of the largest constituencies in the UK so we need help to get our message out!

£20 buys a pack of generic leaflets

£100 can get a pack of designed leaflets sufficient to cover a large village

£200 gets us well on our way with social media and more ambitious advertising!

People in the community want to see change. Having grown up in a working class family in the countryside, I know what it is like to be at the back of the queue for investment in roads, public services and decent internet. I remember freezing winters without heating - I never thought that this country would return to those dark days. But now too many people locally, across Scotland and across the UK are struggling; whether through being on a long NHS waiting list, the cost of living crisis or the cost for many sectors, including retail, distribution and farming, of doing business.

Promoted by Daniel Coleman at 7 East Kilbride Road, Rutherglen, G73 5EA.  

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