- United Ventures Nottingham C.I.C was set up in 2011 by 4 single parents. We are a user led organisation. Passion about turning the overwhelm challenges present in life to courage to change the circumstances.
We take an innovative approach to assist, ups skill and uplift individuals, helping them with networks and skills to faces challenges by assisting them to find the opportunities when presented with challenges
We have seen a rise in Mental health challenges and with the current cost of living crisis after the pandemic.
Culture cafe #CreateforChange
A safe space for people to connect ,explore, discover and create new skills.
This creative hub will work to help others come together and support each through the arts and creativity whilst finding ways to support others that may experiencing difficulties.
Read on and find out more......
UVN C.I.C core mission is to advocate and assist unity to facilitate change through arts and creativity.
Parent and child - provide opportunities for progression personally and professional advocate for life long learning.
Community and Partnerships-provide opportunities and advocate for unity and change in our communities.
We believe by doing this people will:
•Feel more supported
•Make friends
•Become aware of opportunities work, training, further education or volunteering.
•Help community development and engagement
• Tackle financial issues
We envision environments that make socializeing with others easy, where we all grow happier and with assistances to work positive lifestyles.
A safe spaces were by people, feel comfortable to discuss different and difficult conversations perspectives that effect people and places where we live and work.
Connecting parents, children and communities through low cost or free community activities also:
- - Help develop connection
- - Develop skills and talents
- - Healthy living environments
- - Aiding families to thrive
- - Support communities to take pride in the places they live.
- - Reduce isolation.
- - Promote inclusion unity, equality and diversity.
With funds raised we will secure our workshop on Mainstreet, Bulwell Nottingham where we will engage people with visual arts and design activities, a place for people to connect and get. a safe space where those with whom enjoy arts and creativity and or vulnerable to health and wellbeing challenges can meet to work creatively together.
We will host services:
- Workshops
- Designing
- Printing
- Selling promotional items
We need further resources to cover some of running costs of our retail workshop. Once complete the shop will offer employment opportunities and support to more individuals.
With one in four adults experiencing mental health challenges each year, it also take one in four to create change.
Group creative projects -support discussion to address issues such as rasism, mental health and more.
The workshop is self funded and equipped with
- Industrial sewing machines,
- overlockers,
- vinyl cutters
- heatpress's
- a workshop creatives,
- a safe space and warm hub.
By December the funds raised will secure the venue and sound proof facilities, better eqiup the workspace with more tools and equipment, this will provide opportunities to those in our communities.
David @Brendan Robinson Photography- "The art of conversation is dying"
David has worked hard to develop a gallery space with some materials donated by Wickes in Bulwell Nottingham.
Your support counts
Support can Partner with us, this can be all kinds of resources :
monthly or 1 off donation of finance, volunteering,
- vehicles,
- discounts,
- vouchers,
- clothing,
- tools,
- equipment,
- materials,
- skills and time.
Help us to minimise the risk of things like social isolation, poverty and discrimination and helping towards promoting diversity, collaboration,health & well-being and inclusion for all.
In May 2021 we in started mission Skate for change.
We took a proactive approach to find ways to stay active outside in green spaces. Indivually we all loved skating and collectively had a desire to connect and utilise underused/green spaces.
Skate for change now promotes health and wellbeing, community cohesion through roller skating activities.
This was sparked through 1 conversations and 3 pairs of skates and a collective call to action of passionate people.
For more info https://www.skate4change.co.uk
As a group we successful receiving funding from This girl can and Sports England, partnershiping with Active Notts, Helping kids achieve, Melish sports centre, The Pythian Club , Nottingham Nova roller hockey and more.
Skate for change is ongoing incentive that hosts roller skate activities with skates and protective gear and in Nottingham set up with Elliott of @Ellivisionukmovement.
Daron, Andre and more supported with finding and donating skates also.
The creative hub also provides storage for the skates and equipment and a meeting space for the team.
Your support will help us to continue to help us bring our vision to life creative hub in Bulwell sound proofing, security cameras a new doors and secure the venue and project help us to open the door to the wider public.
Without the awesome team of volunteers and willing community this wouldn't be what it could be.
Will you help us to help more.
Thank you for you time
(UVNC.I.C) Team
United Ventures Nottingham C.I.C