Help CROWLEY Finish Their Debut Album

by Ruth Cranston in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

Total raised £2,880

£3,500 stretch target 69 days left
115% 80 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 20th April 2025 at 7:55pm

CROWLEY need help finishing the recording, mixing, and supporting material for their debut album, to be finished in summer 2025.

by Ruth Cranston in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Pledges exceeding our original target will allow us to create a music video and book tour dates! 

We are CROWLEY, a metal band from the UK who make over the top, occult music. We are half way through recording our debut album, but with the rising costs of being independent artists in 2025 (and our van biting the dust in Holland) we would love some help to finish bringing this album to life!

Pledges will go toward the cost of studio time, mixing, mastering and supporting materials for a physical release including artwork and merchandise. 

Any and all donations are so hugely appreciated and there are plenty of perks up for grabs in return! 

Or enter custom amount


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

£5 - Buy Us A Pint

Thank you for your pledge, you've bought us a pint - except it isn't a pint, we promise to spend it on recording. And also we owe you a pint.

£10 or more

£10 - Buy Us A Mega Pint

Thank you! You've bought us a MEGA pint - except it isn't a mega pint it's time in the studio. Also we owe you a mega pint.

£15 or more

7 of 100 claimed

£15 - Signed Exclusive Poster

You will receive a signed poster, only available to our supporters!

£20 or more

£20 - Get The Album CD Before Official Release!

Get an unsigned CD copy of the album before general release.

£20 or more

£30 - Get a Signed CD Copy of The Album

Get a signed CD copy of the album before general release

£20 or more

£20 - Recorded Message From The Band

Get a recorded personalised message from us!

£40 or more

19 of 50 claimed

£40 - CD Album + Exclusive T-Shirt

Receive a CD copy of the album with a T-Shirt exclusively designed for our supporters! (S,M,L,XL,XXL,XXXL)

£45 or more

2 of 10 claimed

£45 - CD Album + Exclusive T-Shirt + Poster

Get a physical CD copy of the album, exclusive t-shirt and a signed exclusive poster

£50 or more

0 of 10 claimed

£50 - Handwritten Lyrics

Handwritten lyrics for a song of your choice

£60 or more

2 of 10 claimed

£60 - Album, Merch and A Used Signed Tarot Card

Get a CD copy of the album, exclusive t-shirt and a signed, used tarot from Eliza's personal tarot deck

£60 or more

1 of 5 claimed

£60 - Zoom Guitar Lesson With Eliza or Ruth

Get a private, zoom guitar lesson with Eliza or Ruth and learn how to play your favourite CROWLEY track

£70 or more

3 of 10 claimed

£70 - The Big Merch Bundle

Get a signed physical CD copy if the album before general release, an exclusive t-shirt design, a signed exclusive poster, signed used drumsticks, signed used guitar plectrums and signed photo prints

£100 or more

0 of 3 claimed

£100 - The Big Merch Bundle + a Zoom With The Band

Get everything from the big merch bundle and have a Zoom call with the band!

£100 or more

0 of 20 claimed

£100 - Your Full Name on The Album Sleeve

We will put your full name on a list of thanks on the official album sleeve for general release!

£1,000 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£1000 - Private Gig For You and Your Mates!

Get the big merch bundle and a private gig in our hometown (Newcastle Upon Tyne) for you and your mates!

£200 or more

1 of 1 claimed

£200 - CD and a Signed Guitar

Get a signed CD copy of the album before general release and a guitar signed by the band

Show your support

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