Crops not Shops - Nana's voyage to Guatemala

by Crops not Shops Nana in Bridgwater, Somerset, United Kingdom

Crops not Shops - Nana's voyage to Guatemala
We did it
On 7th December 2024 we successfully raised £800 with 23 supporters in 70 days

The Crops not Shops seed is being planted in a community in Guatemala by Nana herself, her intention is to create a medicinal garden of love

by Crops not Shops Nana in Bridgwater, Somerset, United Kingdom


Our mission is to create social change by connecting people to nature through community food growing, land based education, community outreach programmes for vulnerable peopled to remember the sacred connection and love for our Mother Earth. 

This winter whilst the land of our Glastonbury home takes time to rest, we welcome the next layer of our service to the global community. Bringing our wisdom and prayer to different lands and communities. 

Our first global seed will be carried by our elder Nana, she will be visiting a community rooted in the ancient Mayan lands of Atitlan, Guatemala. 

It is part of our vision to create a global network of thriving communities united in their prayer that all life on Earth is sacred and that we are living as an interconnected eco system.

Sandy AKA Nana is at the heart of our tribe, an elder that is following the flame of her heart to embark on a journey into the unknown. Nana has a dream to bring her wisdom of herbal medicine into the heart of El Castillo Community, creating a garden that will heal and hold the families living and thriving in the space. 

We are asking for your kind donations to help support this trip, funds will cover the cost of Nana's journey and hopefully also provide some supplies for the community garden. Nana will also be educating the children of the community in a hands on playful connection with nature.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£150 or more

£150 Reward

An invitation to spend the weekend at either Crops not Shops Glastonbury or El Castillo Community Lake Atitlan.

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