We're still collecting donations
On the 8th July 2021 we'd raised £2,005 with 13 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
To Develop as a club providing the best possible facilities for members and non members alike.
by Dan Protherough in Redditch, England, United Kingdom
On the 8th July 2021 we'd raised £2,005 with 13 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
Redditch Cricket Club has been in existence for nearly 175 years. It has been a huge part of the history of Redditch producing some fine players during that time and providing an ideal setting both for physical and social development.
As the town of Redditch has become more diverse so has the cricket club and it is one of the most culturally diverse cricket clubs within the West Midlands. One of the club's stated aims is to remain a culturally diverse club and be a beacon for social integration both on and off the field.
During the previous season the effects of Covid-19 the club saw revenue losses of approximately £10K due to lack of subscriptions, ground hire and other revenue generating events such as a Sponsors Lunch or Celebrity Cricket Match against for example Lashings. One of the clubs key areas within our development plan has been to develop the facilities that will inspire the new generation of cricketers and we have been doing this effectively over the last few years with improvements in practice facilities in the form of new nets and the club purchased a brand new wicket mower in the Autumn.
The plan was to have a utilise the funding from these events to pay for some desperately needed equipment including a new roller and new sight screens for our 3rd and 4th team ground that the club desperately needs. With an expanding junior section and growing adult section with 4-5 teams as well as a partnership with a BAME team being able to provide a well prepared safe playing surface is absolutely vital. With the growth in teams we also want to provide better facilities at our 3rd and 4th XI ground and we are looking at purchasing new sight screens which again fall under health and safety especially where junior players are involved and our duty of care to them.
The Aim
The aim is to raise £10000 which will allow the club to purchase the much needed equipment to make sure that the club can provide safe, high quality facilities for all members and guests of the club.
We have applied to the Sport England Active Together Fud hoping they will approve our application which will also be added to our total. To receive this we still need to reach our overall target of £10000 from at least 50 separate pledges.
What will you be Supporting:
1. Vital Equipment to drive cricket forward for all members of the club
2. Equipment that will be of a benefit for the next 15-20 years.
This project offered rewards