COVID19 Appeal for Guide Dogs Kingston

by Malden Community Farmers' Market in New Malden, England, United Kingdom

COVID19 Appeal for Guide Dogs Kingston

Total raised £70

raised so far



Guide Dogs Kingston are currently unable to be out on the streets fundraising, so Malden Market are match-funding donations up to £250.

by Malden Community Farmers' Market in New Malden, England, United Kingdom

Covid-19 has completely changed how we go about day-to-day life - for individuals, for businesses, for community groups and for charities.

The Malden Community Farmers' Market C.I.C. is a non-profit community market that runs on the first Saturday of every month in New Malden, supporting small businesses and local charities.

One of our charity stalls in 2019 was Guide Dogs Kingston - an amazing local charity which gives independence and a lifeline to blind people in the Royal Borough. Their volunteers are themselves visually impaired, and regularly fundraise throughout the year in order to train more puppies to be Guide Dogs for service users in Kingston.

Sadly, due to Covid-19, their funding sources have dried up, and they are at a point where they will be unable to continue training up puppies with sighted trainers, providing their amazing services and giving a lifeline to visually impaired in the borough, compounded by the loss of much-loved Guide Dogs in the community recently such as Pilot.

Malden Community Farmers' Market C.I.C. is proud to be supporting Guide Dogs Kingston through this fundraiser and will match fund any donations received up to a value of £250, which will total a £500 donation enabling the Kingston Guide Dogs to continue their training programme for the next generation of Guide Dogs in the borough.

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