Covid 19 Young People Fit and Ready for the Future


+ estimated £13 Gift Aid
£1,000 target

4 supporters

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Started on 2nd July 2020 Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Fit and Ready for the Future.

Our diverse community have been hit hard by Covid 19. With some initial funding, we have piloted a new project to provide fitness and conditioning sessions for Children and Young People aged 4 years to 16 years. Each session lasts an hour and raises their heart rate for at least 50 minutes. 

All Sessions :

  • Are carried out by qualified coaches and Sports Leaders. 
  • Are delivered by Lionhearts Football School of Excellence in partnership with the Oasis Lionhearts Football Club
  • Follow the latest Government and Football Association Guidelines. (Currently groups of 6 people socially distanced 2 metres apart).
  • Use the outdoor space at Hobmoor Community Centre

Richard talks about keeping everyone safe and what to expect when you come to a session.

We want to give more Children and Young People the opportunity to participate in these sessions. We know that Covid 19 has had particular devastation on areas of deprivation. Young People in Yardley where we are based are  3 times more likely to receive free school meals than nationally. As Jordan said in the videos many of them are scared of the future and disconnected from the world.

Richard  talks more fully  about mental health, well-being, and the economic that Covid 19 has had on the community.

Fit and Ready 

Through a set of timed activities, the sessions have shown to increase their motivation, become fitter by competing against themselves, experience the new normal, practice social distancing and regain the skills they will need when they go back to school in September.


How you can give a Child or Young Person a chance to Participate.

Please give what you can afford

  • £6.50 provides one child with a session
  • £13 provides one child with a session and a football
  • £65 provides a child with 10 sessions
  • £125 provides a set of equipment
  • £650 provides 100 sessions.



Andrew Brown
7th July 2020 at 9:27pm

A fantastic project. Well Done

Andrew Brown
7th July 2020 at 9:27pm

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid

Andrew Brown has also backed 1 other project

Lauren Whitehorn
7th July 2020 at 6:21pm

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid

Lauren Whitehorn has also backed 1 other project

Sandra Harewood
3rd July 2020 at 8:03am

Totally support all the work the project is doing to support young children within our area.

Sandra Harewood
3rd July 2020 at 8:00am

pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid

Sandra Harewood has also backed 1 other project

David Hoggan
2nd July 2020 at 11:18am

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid

David Hoggan has also backed 4 other projects