COVID 19 - Creative Activity Packs for Children

by Neomari Creative Sector Services in Bushey, England, United Kingdom

COVID 19 - Creative Activity Packs for Children

Total raised £50

raised so far



We will send out 100 Creative Activity Packs to children from low income families whose parents are key and essential workers during COVID19

by Neomari Creative Sector Services in Bushey, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 12th June 2020 we'd raised £50 with 1 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

We recognise how the changes in our daily lives have restructured our experiences. As adults we are looking for ways not only to come to terms with the COVID 19 pandemic, but also to make the best of self isolation and social distancing. Our children and youth are home and more than ever, we need to find them activities to do.

For many children from low income families and communities , the parents are essential or key workers who may not have the time to spend with them as they support the nation. They are busy saving lives on the front line. leaving their young people at home or in school with limited creative activities.

At home, Internet access may be limited so they cannot access the many online activities available at the moment . The cost of living would have increased especially telephone, food and utilities. .

This is where we want to step in to do our bit for our community.

We are looking for your support to create 100 free creative activity packs for children and young people age 5 to 12.

The activity packs include art and creative writing activities with Mma Ikit, a tortoise and her friend Eno the butterfly. We will use recycled materials from our own resources to reduce costs and the funds raised will be used for paper, pencils , printing, packaging and postage.

Each pack costs £5. Administration and packaging will be done by our volunteer team. All kits will be sent by post or delivered if local, observing social distancing and safety rules.

By supporting us, you will

1. Help to improve the quality of life for 100 children during this period of lock down.
2. Support the NHS and all essential and key workers by engaging their young ones and giving them some peace of mind.
3. Receive a thank you message and access link to the online exhibition once the project in June / July 2020.

We are so grateful for your support in these trying times.

Stay home, stay safe and stay blessed.

Thank You so much for your support.


[email protected] for more info.


This project offered rewards

£40 or more

Free Adult Expressive Art or Craft session

You will be able to chose one of 6 online 3 hour Expressive Art classes. Mandala Art Fabric Art Mixed Media Collage Cartoon and Doodling Abstract Portraits Foil Art

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