Concrete Rose Collective CIC

by Concrete Rose Collective in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

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Concrete Rose Collective provides supported lodgings to young people who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness in Cambridgeshire.

by Concrete Rose Collective in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

For many young people in the UK, and especially for care leavers and those without family support networks (including unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC)), the transition to adulthood can be a time of fear, insecurity, and increased vulnerability. This is accentuated by a lack of access to high-quality, supportive, semi-independent accommodation (SIA) options with significant, and detrimental, implications for young people:

  • Last year 135,800 young people (16-25) in the UK approached their local authority as they were homeless or at risk of homelessness (54% citing family and/or relationship breakdown as the main cause).
  • In 2021/22, 28% of accommodation placements for care leavers were considered unsuitable. 
  • One third of care leavers become homeless within the first three years of leaving care and care leavers make up 25% of the homeless population.
  • Care leavers (19-21) are three times more likely to be Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and 25% of care leavers experience a mental health crisis after leaving care. 
  • In addition, 40% of the UK’s prison population are care leavers and over half (56%) of children in custody and receiving criminal sentences have a history of being in care – despite looked-after children making up only 1% of the total population.
  • The number of UASC leaving care is rising, with many requiring additional support, and, in 2019,UASC were more likely to be placed in unregulated SIA settings with many placements deemed substandard.

In response, and in order to provide a successful transition to adulthood, we provide supported lodgings for vulnerable young people across Cambridgeshire.   In this model young people (16-23) are accommodated within the homes of families, individuals, couples who have a spare room and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. Concrete Rose is responsible for thoroughly vetting hosts (including application form, home visits, home risk assessment, enhanced DBS and approval via an independent panel) and providing significant wrap-around support (including 24/7 on-call support, comprehensive training, and regular supervision). Young people are supported through weekly one-to-one sessions with a local professional youth worker and access to therapeutic support and mentoring.

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