Compatibility Game Show 2025

by Compatibilty Game Show in Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Compatibility Game Show 2025

Total raised £275

£950 target 41 days left
28% 12 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 20th March 2025 at 12:00pm

Compatibility the Game Show is a graduate student project by Television Production students at the University of Portsmouth.

by Compatibilty Game Show in Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Compatibility the Game Show invites three sets of best friends to test their friendship as we find out who is the most compatible pair! Through 5 different rounds, our friends will test their knowledge of each other and their bond until there is one team left standing who will take home the winning prize. 

The show will take inspiration from the classic 70s style game shows like The Dating Game, Family Feud and Blankety Blank - big colours, big personalities and of course big sets! 

Your donations will go towards funding our production making our vision a reality. 

This is a completely student led and funded project that goes towards our final university grade, we need your donations to help fund our set team in order to make that eye catching and memorable set that will stand out from the rest. This will help fund our materials such as paint, wood, lights and so on. Your donations will also go towards things such as supplying food and beverage to our contributors, outfits for our leading presenter, and travel expenses.

Anything you can spare will be greatly appreciated, and we hope you can stay up to date with our progress and tune in for the first episode of Compatibility the Game Show! 

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