Cluttered - A Short Film

by Molly Mansell in Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Cluttered - A Short Film
We did it
On 28th March 2024 we successfully raised £270 with 11 supporters in 56 days

We are students looking to produce our final major project, "Cluttered" which is an intense drama short film.

by Molly Mansell in Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

We are passionate film students who are studying with Plymouth University and we are creating our final major project. "Cluttered" is an intense drama, based around two polar opposite sisters who are getting ready for a family gathering.



"Cluttered" follows the story of two sisters "Barbara" and "Gaby", as they get ready for a family gathering. Gaby, the younger sister, shows up drunk at her older sister, Barbara's, house and they immediately begin arguing about Gaby's behavior. As the youngest, Gaby has always been favored by their parents, which annoys Barbara to no end as she constantly strives to gain her parent's approval and support. This causes a lot of tension between the sisters as their parent's views on them affect their relationship.

The proceeds from this campaign will go towards paying for our actors and sourcing a loaction, making sure we have all the resources we need to produce a final product to be proud of. Your donations and support will not only provide these resources but also support us on our journey to becoming filmmakers. Our campaign also gives you a chance to partake in the key process of the filmmaking industry, as well as supporting a group of young filmmakers.


For casting we are looking for two young actresses, who work alongside each other with the chemistry we are looking for. As well as this we need to find a location that fits perfectly with our plot, this will be done by finding an Airbnb willing to let us film in their accommodation. After this, we will use the rest of the budget on on-set necessities such as; costumes, hair, and camera rigs. 

In the case that we surpass our budget we will put the rest of the money towards promoting our film and submitting it to different film festivals.


Molly Mansell - Director


Connor Jenkin - Producer/ Cameraman


Oli Kelly - Set Design


Billy Prout - Audio


Pearce Belshaw - 1st Assistant Director


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£500 or more

£500 plus

All of the above and the oppurtunity to join us on set for filming.

£10 or more

£10 plus

A 'Thank You' message on our social media platforms.

£25 or more

£25 plus

A 'Thank You' message on our social media platforms and a ticket to our debut at Dorset Indie Film Festival.

£50 or more

£50 plus

A 'Thank You' message on our social media platforms and a ticket to our debut at Dorset Indie Film Festival. Aswell as a 'Thank You' in the film credits.

£100 or more

£100 plus

A 'Thank You' message on our social media platforms and a ticket to our debut at Dorset Indie Film Festival. Aswell as a 'Thank You' in the film credits and exclusive 'Behind-the-scene' photos.

£250 or more

£250 plus

A 'Thank You' message on our social media platforms and a ticket to our debut at Dorset Indie Film Festival. 'Behind-the-scenes' photos and a signed poster. Aswell as an 'Executive Producer' credit.

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