We are Climate Live
Simultaneous concerts around the world to engage more people in the climate emergency
Activists, scientists, and those on the frontlines of ecological breakdown will take to the stage alongside some of the biggest musicians/influencers of the 21st century. Organised and led by the members of Fridays For Future youth climate groups who organise the school strikes, we're supported by NGOs and music/events professionals.
We aim to enlarge the global climate movement by engaging with more youth through music and its vast fanbase, educate people on the challenges faced by those on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and empower people to pressure world leaders to take action to combat the climate crisis.
We kicked things off with virtual concerts and actions around the world on April 24th, which will be followed by concerts in over 40 countries on October 16th, in the lead up to COP26. We aim to engage millions of people – music fans, many of whom won't fully understand the climate emergency or how to act. There will be events on both small and large scales, using the huge network of the youth climate strikes to organise concerts.
Above: Declan McKenna performing on a boat outside UK Parliament for our launch events on April 24 2021, with the message 'Can You Hear Us Yet?'
World leaders need to act more urgently and treat the climate crisis like a crisis
Scientists, experts and NGOs campaigned about the looming climate crisis for decades but it was the school strikes that captured media attention and fired up global imagination: for the world to listen the climate message needs to be led by the youth.
In August 2018, Greta Thunberg, then 15, did something courageous and bold. She protested alone outside the Swedish Parliament calling for urgent action on climate change. This inspired a global uprising: the largest ever youth mobilisation for climate justice ever seen.
7.6 million people in 7,500 cities around the world marched in September 2019. It was huge, but world leaders are still failing to act with the necessary urgency. To change everything, we need everyone. Climate Live is the youth movement’s next step beyond the strikes to harness the power of music and its global fan base to reach the majority not currently engaged in the movement.
Climate campaigns may seem all doom and gloom, but the truth is the window of opportunity to create a liveable future is rapidly closing: without fast intervention, we're on a path to a climate catastrophe. The world at large needs to understand the importance of the biggest fight of our lives, and Climate Live is a way we can stress that to those who didn't get the memo.
Above: Climate Live Founder, Frances Fox, next to Greta Thunberg. Photo credits: BBC. 2020.
2021 is a KEY year for Climate Action
Covid-19 has changed the very fabric of society. But while many focus on the issue at hand, they're forgetting about climate change, which is becoming more and more of a crisis. 2020 was the hottest year ever recorded. Countries around the world experienced natural disasters beyond imagination, like the horrifying bushfires in Australia and California and record-breaking typhoons in the Philippines. In 2019, the UN warned that we only had 11 years to stop climate change in its tracks before it was too late. 2 years on, we're no better off. 2021 is a critical year for climate action as governments will have to renew their Paris Agreement pledges at United Nations COP26 Climate Conference in November - there's no longer an option to wait.
We aim to Engage, Educate and Empower youth to demand No More Empty Promises
ENGAGE: enlarge the global movement by engaging a new audience through music.
EDUCATE: raise awareness of the challenges faced today by people on the frontlines of ecological breakdown by passing the mic to them, as well as those forecast by scientists for the future.
EMPOWER: pressure world leaders to take action to combat the climate crisis with a focus on COP26. 2021 is a crucial year for climate action as at COP26 in November governments will have to renew their Paris Agreement pledges. Climate Live will demand these are more ambitious and in line with the science.
Each concert is being planned with sustainability as a top priority. We are working with events professionals, venues, artists and local authorities to strive to make the events as sustainable as possible. Mirroring the strikes, events will be on both large and small scales.
Environmental NGOs and the music industry believe Climate Live will be a key player in the Climate Message - and so are official Partners.
These organisations are voting with their feet: we need you to vote with yours. Climate Live is supported by NGOs including Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Oxfam, 350.org, WaterAid, YOUNGO (youth constituency of the UNFCCC), Extinction Rebellion, Music Declares Emergency, REVERB, Tearfund, My Eco Resolution, Stop Ecocide, Client Earth, The Climate Coalition, Vision 2025, Global Optimism, Atmos, Earthrise, Bye Bye Plastic Foundation, Climate 2025, Climate Control Projects, Green Music Australia and Ecolibrium.
Our influential Supporters are urging their fans to get involved
Climate Live has many influential supporters who believe what we are doing will make a difference. These include Greta Thunberg, Any Gabrielly, Declan McKenna, Sam Fender, Lia Pappas-Kemps, Glass Animals, Milky Chance, BLOND:ISH, AMIAYA, The Wombats, Vanessa Nakate, Maria Gretchen, Jack Harries, Thomas Headon, Laila Zaid, Little Glee Monster, L Devine, Ida Engberg, Christiana Figuerres, Christel Takigawa, Eunice Olumide, KOM_I, Toa Okomoto, Oscar Stembridge, Barenaked Ladies, Saiji Kameda, Lina Mirai, Mila, Leah and Peter from July Talk, Route 94, Ellen Monielle, Luna Li, Tori Tsui, Ash, Twiggy Miho, Daisuke Yosumi, Anly, Bebetta, ermhoi, Bunta Shimizu, Leonie Bremer, IMOGEN, Millie Turner, Leepa, Theline Karajá, Lie Ning, Scuba, Whitehorse, Weather Station, Sally C and many more! Climate Live is the vehicle to get everyone involved: beyond committed climate activists to everyone on the street (or in the concert arena…).
Christiana Figueres, former Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC who played a key role in the 2015 Paris Agreement, states, “there is no doubt that young people, informed by science, have brought the climate crisis to the attention of leaders from all sectors. It is now our generation’s responsibility to protect what we love from the damages of climate change by following up on promises with the necessary actions in this decade, to fulfil the goals of the Paris Agreement. I applaud our brilliant young people for stepping up again to hold leaders to account in the lead up to COP26 in 2021, when countries must come together to show we are on track for a resilient future. Our young people have asked whether we can hear them. It is time to demonstrate that we are truly listening.”
Artists believe Climate Live is the best way to get their fan bases engaged in the climate crisis and clamouring for world leaders to act. Glass Animals’ Joe Seaward urges, “time is running out for the planet as we know it. We must act now if we’re going to save it. The youth activists who are standing up need help and those with a voice have a responsibility to use it”.
The Environmental NGOs and Music Industry believe Climate Live is the way to get more youth involved, beyond committed activists to everyone in school and in concert arenas
Climate Live has many professional advisors who are helping us make this happen. These include Bob Ezrin (music producer, eg. Pink Floyd), Chris Johnson (Shambala festival & Visison 2025 Co-Founder), Rob Da Bank (Bestival & Camp Bestival Co-Founder), Michael Green (Oxfam Festivals Head), Stephen Godfroy (Rough Trade Director), Fay Milton (Music Declares Emergency Co-Founder), Richard Dawes (DawBell PR Managing Director), Peter Drogis (Universal Music, IT for Events), Steven Machat (Music & Film Producer), Lewis Jamieson (Music Declares Emergency PR, Reading & Leeds Festivals PR Lead 2000-2009), Cassandra Frey-Mills (Festival Operations Manager eg. Boomtown), Hiroki Shirasuku (Earth Percent Co-Founder & Artist Manager), Tanner Watt (REVERB Partnerships Director), Lydia Laws (PR, eg. BLOND:ISH), Kurt Langer (Producer of Tibetan Freedom Concerts, Climate Control Projects CEO), Richard Lukens (Live Aid International Director), Dan Craig (Director of Superstruct) and Isla Angus (Client Earth Music & Culture Liason).
Above: ermhoi performing for Climate Live Japan's April 24th launch concert in Tokyo
Harnessing the power of music for a cause is proven to work
There is a rich history of concerts for a cause which have been successful. To name a few: Live Aid, Live 8, Amnesty's Human Rights Now! World Tour and the Tibetan Freedom Concerts.
We recently held our launch events around the world on April 24th. There were live streamed concerts and projections of our message to world leaders 'Can You Hear Us Yet?' Check out highlights from our April 24th events here:

So far we have gained coverage in NME, Sky News, Music Week, CBC News, Canal 4 (Uruguay), DIY, Daily Star, Virgin Radio, IQ, talkRADIO, Now Toronto, Music News, Access All Areas, Pollstar, Record of the Day, The Ecologist, Bring The Note, V13, A&R Worldwide and many more.
The approach of mixing climate messaging with music works. We've managed to release high performing content ahead of our events, and we're consistantly growing. We're reaching audiences in every one of our event locations and positively influencing the way people think about climate change.)
Stay tuned for when we will really make waves with events all over the world on October 16th.
Creating a worldwide series of grassroots concerts is not cheap, but is is definitely doable
We are raising funds for national concert costs (prioritising countries where it is very difficult to raise funds), international operating costs and to employ two staff for the international team.
Funding for concerts
Although we are endeavouring to seek donated/charity rate kit, the music events industry has been hit hard by COVID so there are unavoidable costs as despite supporting the cause many companies and professionals are not in the position to donate their resources. This includes hiring sound equipment, hiring lighting equipment, hiring staging, hiring venues, hiring events professionals (eg. production managers, sound engineers, riggers) and covering artists and speakers costs (crew, travel). To clarify, big artists will perform for free to support the cause, whereas smaller, local and/or global south artists we will endeavour to compensate.
MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas)
We are prioritising funding for concerts in MAPA countries (Most Affected People and Areas). These are the areas that are most impacted by the consequences of climate change already today. We understand that it is incredibly difficult to raise funds in countries on the frontlines of ecological breakdown, who are often also suffering from poverty and under unsympathetic governments.
There are many Climate Live events being organised by MAPA activists, who see the value of Climate Live in the fight for climate action around the world. A key value of Climate Live is to prioritise and uplift MAPA voices in the climate debate and policy creation, and Climate Live ensures the input of MAPA activists in all our decision making.
Above: Climate Live Uganda launch event on April 24th 2021 at Baptist High School in Kampala. Speakers included Vanessa Nakate.
International operations & staff
Climate Live is a grassroots organisation, powered by volunteer efforts from young people and students. We make the decisions, we set the strategy, and we keep our voices at the forefront. However, we recognise that in order for our campaigning to be as effective as possible, to coordinate events in over 40 countries and to mobilise large numbers of young people across the world, we need experienced, dedicated full time support. We are looking to employ at least two staff for the International team for 6 months.
The day-to-day management, organisational development, international coordination and communication, fundraising, and media and press work - to name just a few areas - all take a lot of time and require full-time capacity. We have been operating through a number of individuals donating their time, but we want to be able to compensate those working with us fairly. We’re looking to expand our capacity for campaigning and do not want staff capacity to be a limiting factor / stop us.
Please help us reach our target so we can pay a good wage to those that are on board with our mission, our message, and have our interests firmly in mind. It is really important to us that we can allow people from diverse economic backgrounds the opportunity to work with us, and not be limited by their ability to work for free!
Funding will also help us pay for many of the additional operating costs that arise when supporting a global team, including software, content and marketing.
Climate Live is committed to transparency
As much as we would love to use a platform like Open Collective to detail our finances, it can put many of our young activists who live in politically unstable countries at risk. Due to this, we will publish quarterly reports on our finances which we will make clearly available to the public through our website.
All funds will be held by Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK) who are the host organisation for Climate Live. SOS-UK is NUS-UK's education charity supporting students to take transformational action to halt the climate emergency and ecological crisis, and deliver climate justice.
Climate Live involves hundreds of young people from over 40 countries working to create concerts around the globe
These young people are from Fridays For Future - the school strike for climate movement, started by Greta Thunberg.
Here's some background information of just a few of our organisers:
- Frances Fox, Climate Live Founder and UK Coordinator. She spoke for the national movement in front of 35,000 people when Greta Thunberg visited Bristol. Named the Environment Agency's Inspirational Person of the Year 2020. Festivals Coordinator for the UK Student Climate Network - running a successful campaign on the stage & large screens at Reading Festival 2019 and stalls lined up at many major UK festivals this summer.
- Mitzi Jonelle Tan, Climate Live Philippines Coordinator. Convener of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Phillippines (YACAP), who organise the youth climate strikes in the Philippines. She was one of the organisers of MockCOP26. She went into action following the 2020 back-to-back hurricanes in the Philippines to help the most impacted communities, including by feeding the hungry and talking to them about the problems they faced. She has been featured in Vogue, The Guardian, Sky News, UNICEF, VICE, The Independent and many more.
- Kevin Mtai, Climate Live Kenya Coordinator. Co-Founder of Kenya Environmental Action Network (KEAN), who have organised the youth climate strikes in Kenya. Organiser of Mock COP26. He is the Africa Coordinator for Earth Uprising.
- Nicole Becker, Climate Live Argentina Coordinator. Co-Founder of Jovenes Por El Clima, who organise the youth climate strikes in Argentina. The Argentine Congress has recognised her as one fo the most outstanding young women in the country. Has her own show on Futuro Rock radio station. Attended and spoke at the UN COP25 conference.
- Timi Barabas, Climate Live New Zealand Coordinator. She coordinated the Waikato Climate Action week in 2019. She was a semifinalist for the National Impact Awards in New Zealand (2019/2020), and an outstanding nominee for the National Girlboss Awards (2019/2020). She was also one of ten students from around New Zealand who were invited to a round table discussion with the Secretary General of the United Nations May 2019. She also founded the Rise For Lives national movement back in August 2020.
- Brighid Fry, Climate Live Canada Coordinator. She is one half of the award winning duo Moscow Apartment. Her band Moscow Apartment have toured across Canada and parts of the U.S. In July of 2020 they released a critically acclaimed sophomore EP that has earned them comparisons to Phoebe Bridgers and Julien Baker.
Above: Climate Live Philippines Coordinator, Mitzi Jonelle Tan, with Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP). 2019.
The climate crisis is affecting people right now. Will you join us in asking world leaders:
Thumbnail photo credits: Jana Eriksson, Stockholm, Sweden.