Cleethorpes urban art festival 2021

by Lynsey Powles in Cleethorpes, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £280

raised so far



To raise enough funds to bring this free community event to cleethorpes for 2021

by Lynsey Powles in Cleethorpes, England, United Kingdom

Cleethorpes urban art festival 2021 will take place on the 28th and 29 th of august at cleethorpes leisure centre if we can raise the funds 

This year will be our sixth year holding a free community event in the local area last year unfortunately we didn’t gain our funding so need all the support we can get this year to make this event happen .1611496076_cae8434d-dc82-4cf4-99d6-6fc1933cc430.jpeg

Cleethorpes urban art festival is a free community event with over 18 graffiti artists painting boards outside the leisure centre along with the art we have breakdancing ,DJs and mcs aswell as so many free activities for young people arts and crafts and so much more . This is a unique event for Grimsby and cleethorpes showcasing the skills of our local artists aswell and also 8ncluding bodyart and so many other mediums .Throughout this weekend you Get to experiance a huge piece of art coming to live before your eyes and it is a site to behold .1611496149_6a303bca-af54-4a9e-99cc-b8430a86a202.jpeg

the event is very much about inspiring and educating aswell as engaging people from all walks off life who have never been to an art event before in there life 

.To put on the event every year we have to raise a minimum of £15000 to pay all our artists and musicians and breakers this is run by artists for artists to show our local community what can be done with dedication and time .1611496187_ea69b0c4-b037-483b-b59e-39bd159a22fa.jpeg

please support and share this very worthwhile event that is totally free for anyone to come along and participate in 



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