Clare and Garrys' Age UK Canoe challenge

by Clare Millington in Preston, England, United Kingdom

 Fundraising on behalf of

Canoe Challenge 2024

Clare and Garrys' Age UK Canoe challenge
We did it
On 2nd June 2024 we successfully raised £1,081 ( + est. £179.00 Gift Aid ) with 44 supporters in 56 days

I'm raising money for Age UK as one of the few sources of help out there for when you need advice about how to help your parents as they age

 New stretch target

I would have loved more help and advice to see my parents through their extreme old age. Age UK is one of our best hopes for getting the right advice in a timely manner and was a valuable source of information for us as they needed more support with everyday life. We all want our parents to have as comfortable old age as possible but services to help with this don't happen automatically - getting them can be very difficult and stressful, with constant self-questioning about whether you are doing the right thing. Age UK aims to help people understand what they can do.

Age UK have a huge undertaking with an ageing population - making things better in terms of support really needs to happen quickly, please donate generously. 

This will not be an easy challenge for me and Garry. The furthest we have canoed so far is 3 miles! The hope of raising some much needed funds for Age Uk will hopefully spur us on to complete the whole 25 mile route from Preston to Lancaster in one day! In memory of my Mum and Dad, James and Diana.

 Fundraising on behalf of

Canoe Challenge 2024

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