Chris Tester Urgent Appeal

by Charlotte Williams in 

Chris Tester Urgent Appeal
We did it
On 23rd January 2017 we successfully raised £107,612 with 1728 supporters in 28 days

Medical evacuation for Chris Tester, who has been critically wounded in the head.

by Charlotte Williams in

 New stretch target

We can't thank you enough for getting Chris this far.

We've now stretched our target to ensure that Chris gets the best possible care and ongoing specalist treatment when he is back in the UK. 

You are all incredible people.  Thank you so much. 

The Tester Family 

Dear Friends
Tony and Gill Tester from Boxer Shack were held up at gun point on Christmas night. During the attack, their son Chris was shot in the head and critically injured. He is now in Mount St. John Hospital in Antigua but they do not have the facilities or expertise he needs. He will be evacuated to one of the French Islands to be stablised before being flown by air ambulance back to the UK. We please ask you for your donations to help fund this. Please, please give anything you can, any amount will help.

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