Cease and D6 Gaming Hobby Shop

by Cease and D6 Gaming LTD in Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Cease and D6 Gaming Hobby Shop

Total raised £0

£25,000 target 52 days left
0% 0 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 2nd November 2024 at 12:43pm

We aim to crowdfund to support our acquisition of a bricks and mortar store, to create a hobby and gaming hub for all.

by Cease and D6 Gaming LTD in Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

At Cease and D6, we cater to a wide range of interests, including tabletop gaming, trading card gaming, model building, painting, and more. Our club provides the space and resources you need to indulge in your favourite hobbies.

Our aim is to create the greatest and most sort after gaming hub, with themed rooms, exciting events and workshops. The themed rooms would offer immersive gameplay for fans of tabletop wargaming, and trading card games.

The focus of the club is to be profitable but pass on savings where possible to its users as well as create a sustainable place to grow and support local education, local low income families and mental health and neurodivergent support through gaming.

We want to become the most renowned gaming community and hub in the midlands and the UK and grow through merchandise sales, tournaments, events and merchandise.

We have invested our own money and time, and currently rent numerous locations but have learnt we need to build it ourselves for those to come and we need to be more available and in a fixed location. If we build it, We know they will come.

This investment could.enrich some many lives, it could reduce anti social behaviour and could turn around the fortunes of two partners invested in supporting others.

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