Cat nuetering/health Support

by Margaret Chance in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Cat nuetering/health Support
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

To neuter/spay cats due fo a massive over-population. Many rescue centres are either full or have long waiting lists.

by Margaret Chance in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

We will continue to neuter cats and assist with health care, where possible.

Nuetering/Spaying has many health benefits for cats and eases the population numbers.

1 un-nuetered cat can be responsible for 20,000 kittens in just 5 years!

Nuetering also reduces fierce fighting, preventing the spread of feline Aids, for example.

Nuetering will result in less cat colonies springing up, thereby preventing the perlilous life of a stray cat and obviously benefiting the local community.


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