Casey 10 years and Jack 4 years old, and the funds will be used to pay for their board & international travel, mandatory rabies titration blood tests, veterinary care and expenses required for entry into the United Kingdom.
Casey has developed a bad case of calicivirus and feline herpes, with a sinus infection, otherwise known as feline aids bought on by stress of being boarded. He has been treated by a vet and is recovering well, meaning the worse is over although he still needs ongoing treatment. It is now imperative that I get him to the UK asap, as there is a risk his infection could blow up again due to stress.
The entire process in getting them back to the UK can take up to 6 months due to the mandatory rabies blood titration test required 1 month following their rabies vaccination. it takes a minium of 3 months before I can receive the test results. I will therefore need to board them in Istanbul for that period until their travel arrangements to the UK can be finalized.
There are no direct travel routes from Turkey into the UK (meaning they cannot enter the UK by air). Therefore they will need to be flown from Istanbul to Paris with a cat sitter, where I will collect them and transport them to the UK by train.
Any donation no matter how small will be very much appreciated, or you can just share this post with as many people as possible. Any leftover funds will be donated back to a rescue shelter in Istanbul.
Thank you all in advance.