Cancer treatment

by Roy Cameron in Warrington, England, United Kingdom

Cancer treatment
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

Hoping to raise enough to get a very close friend the cancer treatment she urgently needs before it spreads and becomes untreatable.

by Roy Cameron in Warrington, England, United Kingdom

My story starts several years ago while I was working in the middle east. While in Dubai I was fortunate enough to meet and work with a wonderful young lady called Susana Tatoy of Pilipino origin. She had lived and worked in Dubai for several years and had a local partner. She was quite a successful entrepreneur and had a good life with a man she thought she could trust. Alas, that was not the case as he decided to leave her and empty their bank account. She was left stranded in a foreign country with no money. With the help of some other friends we managed to get her back to The Philippines to, hopefully, restart her life but having spent so long away it has proven difficult to reintegrate and and build her life back up again. She has been living with Lupus for a long time and has been able to manage her illness until her move back to The Philippines. Medication there is quite expensive and I have been assisting her as much as I can in that respect until recently when she developed an abscess on her nose. It was diagnosed as cancerous and requires surgery, the cost of which is out of her reach and mine. I hope to raise just enough for the surgery and the immediate aftercare then I can continue to support her beyond that.

I hope enough people can find it in their hearts to help me help this young lady.1714675845_whatsapp_image_2024-03-21_at_15.00.07_3be57729.jpg1714675814_whatsapp_image_2024-03-24_at_14.39.13_07527e30.jpg1714675793_whatsapp_image_2024-03-21_at_15.00.05_8391f2cd.jpg

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