Business start up

by Carter Pride sweets and gifts in Lincoln, , United Kingdom

Business start up

Total raised £0

£5,000 target 6 days left
0% 0 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 13th February 2025 at 11:52am

I suffer with bad mental health an am looking to open my own sweets and gifts store. As this has always been my dream.

by Carter Pride sweets and gifts in Lincoln, , United Kingdom

I used to work in the health sector with the nhs and care homes, I always suffered with anxiety and depression which got a lot worse since being in hospital during 2024. It has effected my in a way where it is a struggle to work around others.

I have a dream to be able to start my own business online by selling hand crafted soaps, candles, jewellery and a range of confectionary. But due to my circumstances I am not able to get help from the government back schemes as I have not been trading yet. In order to follow through with my dream. I would need to get the equipment I need.

Thermal printer - for printing orders and shipment labels.
shelf’s - for sorting and showcasing products.
Weighing scales/gloves/scoops etc - to calculate the prize of confectionary.
pos system/laptop - for approving payments, making inventory orders and storing store data.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
thankyou for your time and support.

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This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£100 or more

0 of 10 claimed

Gift basket when store opens

When you pledge £100 or more you will receive a complimentary gift basket contains a pick and mix handcrafted soap and candles when the store is officially opened

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