My initial plan is to use funds for equipment (pads, gloves, protective equipment, transport) and space rentals (arts centre, boxing club, leisure centre, etc) to run and expand classes and private training with the purpose of generating capital for eventual premises.
I moved to Thailand in 2004 with the intention of mastering the art of Thai Boxing after training, competing, and coaching in kickboxing. I didn't feel I could return and coach until I had absorbed the correct amount of authentic experience and developed a deep understanding of the art and culture.
So this is a rally call and an attempt to complete my original plan--operating the first authentic Thai Boxing Academy in my hometown. (This was also the wish of my now-deceased grandmaster trainer, who taught techniques like no other.)
Thai Boxing is now more popular than ever and can, I believe, add much to the lives of interested parties in the local community, and the time now is right.
I am looking for funding to help finally kick this 20-years-in-the-making project into life. I have much to offer in terms of what I have learned in the last 2 decades with world champions and a grandmaster. This encompasses the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, fitness, positive mindset and personal growth aspects.