Brum Xmas Dinner 2018

by Brum Xmas Dinner 2021 in Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Brum Xmas Dinner 2018
We did it
On 20th December 2018 we successfully raised £2,878 with 58 supporters in 35 days

To give young care leavers in Birmingham a chance to come together on Christmas Day and have a Christmas Day like all other families

by Brum Xmas Dinner 2021 in Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Christmas is a time for celebration, family and friends; but for some people it can be a time of isolation and loneliness.

In Birmingham we want to make it a little less lonely for young care leavers aged 18-25 who for whatever reason don’t have family or friends to be with on Christmas Day. 

We want to do something to help bring together these young people on Christmas Day, and give 30 of these young people the kind of day that millions of families up and down the country will be having. 

We’ve got a great party planned, with food, presents and fun - but we need your support to make it happen. Please help us make this a special day for young care leavers in Birmingham.

For £30 you could support a young person to have a fantastic Christmas Dinner at a special Birmingham Venue on Christmas Day.

  • For £20 you could give a bag of Christmas treats, food, and gifts for the young people to leave with on the day; things to make the rest of the Christmas period extra special. We need your help to provide gifts for the young people coming along on the day - the kind of gifts you would buy for the young people in your families. (You might want to buy one or encourage your whole office to take part instead of Secret Santa this year!) You can buy gifts directly from John Lewis Birmingham our gift list number is 753559.

If you want to contribute any other amount please do donate as we’ll be putting all smaller donations towards gifts and vouchers for the young people. All donors and gift givers will get a special mention of thanks on the BrumXmas Dinner site in recognition of their support and solidarity with young care leavers. 

Finally  if you have any other ideas for gifts - please do email us on [email protected] we would love to hear from you. 

This project is supported by  - Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (BVSC)


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

£5 or more

Your donation will go towards the BrumXmas Party and will help a young care leaver have a Christmas to remember. We’ll add your name to our list of supporters on the BrumXmas Party website.

£10 or more

£10 or more

Your donation will go towards the BrumXmas Party and will help a young care leaver have a Christmas to remember. We’ll add your name to our list of supporters on the BrumXmas Party website.

£20 or more

4 of 50 claimed

£20 Reward

£20 will get a young care leaver a gift bag of delicious Christmas treats and gifts to take home with them. You’ll get a personalised Christmas card from us, thanking you for your donation.

£30 or more

6 of 50 claimed

£30 reward

For £30 you will be sponsoring one young person to attend the Christmas Dinner. You’ll get a personalised Christmas card from us thanking you for your support; and an invitation to our thank you event in January.

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