We need your help with the plans for Beechcroft Library and Hub
With your help, we can:
- Welcome more regular community focused groups
- More books for the children
- Regular maintenance of the PC’s, so anyone can pop in and update their CV, write a letter to apply for a job or use the internet safely
- Improve access
- Modernise the large upstairs room for events, meetings and classes
- New seating
- Plant sales
- Bring back the Lego club
- A bigger variety of cakes!
- And, much much more
This community resource is for everyone, all members of our community; job seekers, parents, toddlers, teens, young children, business owners, our older generation, self-employed, the list goes on.
Since being handed the keys in early September we’ve introduced:
- Art group (weekly)
- Toddler story time (weekly)
- Cake sales
- Knit and Knatter (weekly)
- 50th Anniversary Tea
- Art exhibitions
Check out our Facebook page to see what we’re up to and all upcoming events: https://www.facebook.com/SSMPCSwindon/
Beechcroft Library is 50 years old in November 2017. Imagine if our future generation could celebrate 100 years!
A £5 donation = a brand new library book for our younger readers to enjoy, or a resource book for students to refer to.
Every donation over £25 will be recognised on a wall mural, much like this one at Bristol Hospital.
Thank you so much for your support.
Tracy Predeth, Clerk to the Parish and the whole of the Stratton St Margaret Parish Council.