Bring local radio back to the UK

by Dean McCord in Woking, Surrey, United Kingdom

Bring local radio back to the UK

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£1,000,000 target 62 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 13th April 2025 at 11:35am

Bring back local radio! Local presenters, local news and local travel

by Dean McCord in Woking, Surrey, United Kingdom

Lets be honest over the last few years local radio has gone down the toilet, after the mass takeover of every local radio station we are left with very little choice for local radio. THIS MUST CHANGE - BRING BACK LOCAL RADIO!!

How nice would it be to tune into the radio and hear presenters that live in your area? What about local travel news from people you know because you listen to them every day? What about competitions that you actually have a chance of winning because you aren't competing against the rest of the country? Well this right here, this is the answer, this is the solution we have all be yearning for.

Lets bring back your local radio stations. There is a huge gap in the market now for real local radio stations and i'm not talking national stations with a few local offices i'm talking real local radio, like it used to be.

By putting money into this crowd funder YOU can make it happen. Obviously starting a radio network is not cheap, we will be starting in Surrey and expanding nationally over 10 years. 

We will be launching very soon on Alexa and Online - details to follow.

Let me finish by thanking you for your support, you have no idea how much it has helped.

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