Bold is beautiful

by Mags Montgomery in Perth, Scotland, United Kingdom

 Fundraising on behalf of

Bold is Beautiful UK 2024

Bold is beautiful
We did it
On 31st July 2024 we successfully raised £50 with 4 supporters in 89 days

I am trying to raise money for Refuge and Look good feel better, two amazing charities supporting women, men and young adults.

Refuge and Look good feel better are two charities who rely on benefits contributions year in and year out. They help support women when they need it the most. Refuge supports thousands of women and their children everyday through emergency accommodation, community services and the domestic abuse helpline. Look good feel better provide face-to-face workshops and online services across the UK which are led by trained volunteers. I am going to be doing 100 sit- ups every single night in May and hopefully reach my target as these charities need as much help as they can get to continue their support for women, men and young adults. 

 Fundraising on behalf of

Bold is Beautiful UK 2024

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