In 2021 our aim is to double the number of children and young people who take part in our programme of activity to 5,000. We aim to do this by expanding our sessions and continuing to eradicate financial barriers.
By the end of 2020/2021 season, we want to expand our bursary pool so 75% of the children we impact receive financial assistance. Given the financial implications of COVID, providing more bursary funding will be essential in maintaining activity amongst our children.
Our plans, which your funding will help achieve, are outlined below:
- Provide an expanded Open Sessions Programme - increasing from 3 to 10 per week (150 hours a year, to 500 hours a year), enabling us to provide free sessions to an additional 1000 children, from London's most deprived areas.
- Double our weekly girls sessions from 5-10, and develop 3 competitive girls teams. This will enable us to reach an additional 200 girls who may not have felt confident enough to engage in sport previously.
- Provide more partial and full bursary places to those most in need of financial support (currently provided to 60% of families). This will help maintain existing children whose families have suffered economically as a result of COVID, and also provide the opportunity for new children to join, regardless of their family's financial circumstances.
- Expand our academy by providing more 'Academy Scholarships' (each worth £1800), to talented individuals who cannot afford our fees. These individuals will have free access to our elite academy programme which involves three training sessions a week, up to two matches, individual development plans, strength and conditioning, nutrition advice, and virtual one-to-one coaching.
- Increase the number of Foundation Football sessions from 7 to 10 sessions per week (350 hours a year, to 400 hours a year) which will enable us to reach an additional 200 children.
- Provide morning/lunch/after school sessions, which are free at the point of engagement, to 10 more state schools. This will enable us to reach up to 1000 additional children.
- Hire two new venues which will enable us to provide our service to an additional 300 children
- Double the funds available in our Reboot scheme (recycling old football boots), and kit subsidising budget. These efforts will eliminate another barrier to football - the affordability of equipment.
As you can see we have an ambitious expansion plan, which can only be achieved through the funding of generous donors. We want to continue to ensure that more children and young people have opportunities to improve their mental and physical health, develop important skills such as integrity and teamwork, and remain active - regardless of their financial circumstances.
*Please remember all donations are eligible for 25% Gift Aid, and your employer may offer a Matched Giving Schemes whereby they will match the donation you have given.