Bloom Holistic Healthcare - Physical Therapy

by Bloom Holistic Physiotherapy in Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Bloom Holistic Healthcare - Physical Therapy
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

Bloom Holistic Health is on a mission to provide 'free at point of contact' healthcare and wellbeing services in Eastbourne and beyond.

by Bloom Holistic Physiotherapy in Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom

We believe that everyone should be able to access the knowledge, support and services needed to live a healthy life and recover from setbacks.

That's why Bloom's services (at the moment hatha yoga classes and physical therapy (physiotherapy) and massage) are free when you use them.

Naturally, providing these services isn't free. Along with our time and costs of professional registration and training, there is venue hire, marketing and equipment costs. And if you can and would like to support us in covering those costs, then we would love that.

But, just so everyone feels equal, we don't accept any payment when you use the services. That way no one has to feel ashamed if they aren't in a position to pay. Or maybe they can't pay now (which is often the case for people who are injured or in need of healthcare) but, with a little support, may be able to at a later time. With Bloom, you can pay never or later, pay a lot or a little - the service is still the same.

So, we set up this page, and everyone who accesses our services is given a link. That way, anyone who wishes to contribute can do so anonymously and so the funds raised are only ever used to support the Bloom mission. In our experience, people are often more than willing to support services they value and fixed-pricing is a form of exclusion for many people - all our clients are worth so much to us in so many ways, not just the ones with the big bank accounts.

Our service is run by professional and experienced registered therapists and clinicians, and there is nothing 'cheap' about it. And that's important to us. Because we believe that people shouldn't be excluded from excellent health and wellbeing services because of their ability to pay. And, with Bloom, you aren't just spending money to make yourself feel good, you get an extra sense of joy from knowing you are supporting us in supporting others too!

A healthy community is a safe, thriving community. That's best for all of us, and it's the spirit behind our National Health Service. As society moves forward, we can use platforms like this and new ways of sharing wealth to build community services that supplement our core public health services, relieve the pressure on the NHS, and make sure that nobody is excluded from living a healthy life, just because they aren't high-income households.

So, if you would like to support 'free to access' services in your area, Bloom would like you partner up and see if we can't spread a little goodness to anyone who would like to invest in living a healthy, happier life.

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Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.