We provide a location for solely vinyl records of UK
Rap, Drill, Garage and Grime acts which does not currently exist. Even large record stores such as Rough Trade and Reckless Records do not provide a decent amount of stock of UK artists of those genres. Even chart topping acts such as Dave and Central Cee are difficult to find. We will source these records from differing vinyl suppliers and on the floor research and provide these to the customers.
There is an increasing demand - British music industry contributed over £5bn to the UK economy in 2021, Stormzy a big grime act also headlines Glastonbury in 2019 and the interest has continued togrow with the effect of social media. Due to the recent impact of vinyl paired with the expansion of these genres we will cater to all ages - from 18/19year olds who want to invest in vinyl right up to 35-40+ who associate vinyl with their youth and already have a growing collection.
As shown above will use the money raised for rent and stock based on a £1,000 per month rent as viewed on Rightmove. And stock as well as minimal spends I.e card machines/POS.