Baby Basics Lowestoft Expansion/Relocation Fund

by Baby Basics Lowestoft in Lowestoft, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Baby Basics Lowestoft Expansion/Relocation Fund

Total raised £80

£60,000 target 60 days left
0% 5 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 8th April 2025 at 11:10am

We aim to move to larger premises so that we can not only increase our stock but enable expectant Mums to select some of the items they need

Project by Baby Basics Lowestoft

Our project is run entirely by volunteers therefore 100% of the money we raise will be used to provide us with the space we need to expand our project. We currently work out of one room which as you can see from the photo is very cramped. Our vision is to be able to display items such as cots and prams etc so that new parents are able to come and choose items. The exciting bit of having a new baby is to choose what they will sleep in and the pram you will take them out in. Just because these parents find they are struggling financially should not been they have to miss out on this. All the families we help are referred by Health or Social Care professionals to ensure they are in genuine need and not just getting free items to sell on. We are all very passionate about this and the Midwives, Health Visitors and Social Workers tell us that our services are essential as we are situated in a very deprived area, which covers Gt. Yarmouth as well as Lowestoft and the villages surrounding both towns.

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