Allexton Community Nursery Play area

by Allexton community Nursery CIC in Leicester, United Kingdom

Allexton Community Nursery Play area
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.


by Allexton community Nursery CIC in Leicester, United Kingdom

Allexton Community Nursery CIC is in a council building in Leicester. We used to share the building with the  Leicester City council but they moved out so we had no choice but to rent the whole space or our lovely nursery would close. Our nursery has an amazing reputation. We go above and beyond for families and to see it close would be awful and detrimental to so many so we had no choice but to continue. However , we don't make a profit and our income goes on the basics like rent , food , wages and ew are only just sustainable.

But to continue offering our outstanding service we need  outstanding premises and garden.

The garden used to be our selling point but now it is  a shell of its former self. There's no grass , the surfaces are dangerous and the council left use with a massive storage container that leaks every time it rains.

We need it to be re hauled , revamped and made special for our wonderful little children.

The money will be spent on getting the floor resurfaced, new equipment , a purpose built mud kitchen , new storage , new decking , new sandpit area , and the bit we are most excited about , a growing allotment area. It will have canopies and shelter areas for outside learning and a massive outdoor story telling area.

The vision is amazing and the quote we have had is £83,059.59 without VAT. 

Please please please give your support .Nothing is too small. Help us get the grden our little ones deserve

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