My fascination with Aimee Crocker arose after starting a project about the current trend for young women to have tattoos. My research led me to Aimee, and once you have started to explore her life, it's very hard to stop !
Having inherited over $100 million at the tender age of ten, she was not only a trailblazer for girl power, but she travelled the world extensively, married five times, plus another seven times "off the books", had several high profile tattoos, spent the night with a 10-foot Boa Constrictor, bred French Bulldogs and wrote a swashbuckling autobiography. Working with Aimee's biographer, Kevin Taylor, I have produced a short documentary that focuses solely on Aimee's inspiration to get tattooed. There is so much more to tell, and I would throw myself wholeheartedly into a bigger project exploring her entire life, should I be able to raise the funds to do so. There is a Crocker Museum in Sacramento, full of material. Her great Grandson Lionel, a delightful man, lives in Paris and is a font of family anecdotes. Kevin Taylor, whose book "Queen of Bohemia" is a fantastic resource, lives in California and can explain how Aimee's liberated attitudes might be described as "nymphomania" these days. I can keep production costs down as a lot of the pre-production work has been done, and we can work with small agile film crews on location and have all the required equipment in-house.