African Men Breathing is the first in a seven-part documentary series, a personal passion project created and produced by Maggie Sade Coker and filmmaker Joseph Akwasi.
Ghana and the African populace suffer from a mental health crisis, and there are very little resources to help with this. Reports in Ghana have shown that schizophrenia is on the rise, and men are the least likely to seek help, and with that being said men often feel that there is nowhere for them to turn to. In many African cultures people fear being labelled crazy and spiritually afflicted so they tend to suffer in silence and grapple with isolation.
This film explores the healing journey of African men through Creative Flower Therapy, revealing the profound impact of nature and creativity on mental well-being. It’s a deeply moving exploration of resilience, vulnerability, and the importance of creating spaces for men to open up, heal and invite new narratives around mental health to help break damaging stigmas
We often talk about mental health, but more needs to be done to truly encourage these conversations—especially among African men. This documentary is my way of starting those conversations, breaking the silence, and inspiring others to do the same.
I am Maggie, a London native, with a global heart a holistic mental health practitioner, floral artist and aspiring documentary maker. My project partner is Joseph Akwasi filmmaker, writer and editor from Accra, Ghana who shares with me a keen advocacy for the improvement of mental health facilities in Ghana for all.
We are both keen to bring the next 6 stories to life. With the help of funding, we will be able to cover our cost of equipment editing, support assistance and travel to locations. We hope these documentaries will help to bring resources, education and support for mental health services in Ghana