The reason I have set up this crowdfunding is to help my mother who has been going through cancer treatment, she had really struggled with the news of cancer it has impacted her mental health also as it was not suspected she now has a fear that when she is ill or has a sore throat that she has got cancer it is an ongoing battle for her she is currently going through therapy to try and help her, because of all this she is unable to work this means she is struggling to pay her bills, unfortunately we don’t have much money to support her and is having a massive impact on our lives, this crowd fundraising is to support her with being able to pay her rent and bills, we didn’t have much growing up and she has always worked in care supporting everyone else and putting everyone else before her self, she doesn’t know that we have started the fundraising for her and she wouldn’t allow us to as she is very independent and doesn’t want to admit that she is struggling financially. We would really appreciate your support to help her financially