My gorgeous cousin and godson William has recently been diagnosed with DMD. I'd like to help fund a family holiday before Williams condition deteriorates by getting sponsored to run 100 miles over September.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a muscle wasting condition that causes progressive muscle weakness. It usually only affects boys and those assigned male at birth.
It’s caused by a lack of a protein called dystrophin. This causes muscle fibres to break down. They’re replaced by fibrous or fatty tissues that cause the muscle to gradually weaken.
DMD is a severe type of MD and often shortens life expectancy. Most people with DMD will reach adulthood. They are, however, more likely to die from heart or respiratory failure before or during their 30’s.
Symptoms of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
It’s unusual for symptoms to be present from birth. Often signs will appear between 1 and 2 years of age.
Someone with DMD might experience:
- difficulties running, jumping and climbing stairs
- difficulty getting up from the floor
- a waddling gait (walking on their toes with an arched lower back)
- difficulty walking as fast or as far as other children
- a tendency to fall more than other children
- learning and behavioural difficulties
- learning to speak later than usual
Your child might find it difficult to stand up from a seated position. Your child might use the Gowers’ manoeuvre to stand up by:
- facing the floor
- placing their feet wide apart
- lifting their bottom first
- walking their hands from their knees to their thighs to a standing position