Project aim
To help in the reduction of suicide in Ireland and the UK.
About the project
My intention is to provide a free suicide prevention counselling service through the phone.
With over 13,000 suicides in the Uk and Ireland every year, this is a badly needed service.
Approximately half of all suicides go unrecorded as suicide. For some reason the government prefer to register many suicides as accidental, misadventure or unknown cause of death.
There are waiting lists of up to eight months to recieve counselling. This is just not good enough, I have no doubt that if someone is having suicidal thoughts they shoultn't be left to wait so long. They should be getting immediate support.
This service can help so many people.
How it works,
If a person is in distress they text our number and they will immediately get a call back from a fully qualified counsellor who will listen and also speak with them. They will recieve professional counselling and be treated with total respect and privacy.
You may ask is this service not all ready available with the Samaritans.
The answer is no. Having said that, I'm not trying to take anything away from The Samaritans. Their work is absolutely fantastic but the one differance is that they do not give any counselling. They are there to listen and do a great job.
Having met many people that have attempted suicide over the last few years during my walk, the feedback I got from most was that they felt that they had nowhere to turn.For example many people told me that after attempting suicide they could end up in A&E for a few hours and then given a prescription and send home. This is just ridicolus, nobody should be treated like this.The thing is that suicide can hit anyone,it doesn't matter who you are or what you do. This practice has to change and with your help we can make it happen.
The funding raised will go towards the initial set up and running costs.
Of course there will always be running costs and I have plans in place for different events to take place all over the Country right throuhg the year and every year .
Thank you very much for your support.Please let your friends know about us.
Thanks again.
Colm Farrell.