£999 for the 999 Club

£999 for the 999 Club


+ estimated £259 Gift Aid
£999 target

74 supporters

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Started on 8th October 2020 London, England, United Kingdom

COVID-19 has made life even tougher for homeless or vulnerably housed people. To mark World Homelessness Day 2020, Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham is asking for your help to support the life-saving work of the 999 Club.

How can you help?

If just 100 people made a one-off donation of £9.99*, we would reach our target and raise £999 for the 999 Club. All donations, of any size, will help to support the essential services provided by the 999 Club. 

 *You can only donate in whole numbers but ‘£10 for the 999 Club’ doesn’t sounds as good!

What is the 999 Club

Chosen by Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham as his charity for this year, the 999 Club offer services for homeless people from their centre on Deptford Broadway. As well as people who sleep rough, they support those who are vulnerably housed, sofa surfing or living in temporary accommodation.

People who have nowhere to live can go to the gateway centre to have a shower, do their laundry and eat breakfast. They can also access healthcare from visiting nurses, mental health workers and health professionals.

Find out more about the work of the 999 Club in this short documentary written and directed by people who have experienced homelessness.

The 999 Club advice & support service offers guidance so people can identify what help they are entitled to through housing provision and benefits, and maintains strong links with private landlords willing to accept former rough sleepers as tenants. The 999 Club also provide individual support, including accompanying people to appeals and court hearings.

Alongside these essentials, they offer Learning & Activities and Employability Support programmes designed to build self-esteem, allow for self-expression and teach skills that will help people achieve nationally recognised qualifications and get back into the workplace.

Their services create the opportunity for people to gain the confidence and skills needed to transform their lives. The 999 Club accomplish all this with 13 members of staff, and over 50 regular volunteers and they are rightly proud that they make such a big difference to the lives of the people they help. 

What next? 

  • Give what you can to help the staff and volunteers at the 999 Club to help as many people as they can at this difficult time. 
  • Share this Crowdfunder with any friends, family and colleagues who may be able to help us to reach (and hopefully smash) our target. 
  • Check out the 999 Club web-site for more information and other ways you can get involved.  


6th November 2020 at 7:50pm

pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid

1st November 2020 at 10:49am

Good luck 🍀

1st November 2020 at 10:48am

pledged £50 + an est. £12.50 in Gift Aid

Amanda has also backed 1 other project

31st October 2020 at 3:10pm

pledged £10

30th October 2020 at 8:08am

pledged £50 + an est. £12.50 in Gift Aid

29th October 2020 at 3:31pm

pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid

Liam Lovely
28th October 2020 at 10:09am

pledged £10

Danielle K
22nd October 2020 at 6:05pm

Have worked alongside housing officers who work for Lewisham Council and they do an amazing job helping homeless/potentially homeless people as well as charities and projects such as this one.

Danielle K
22nd October 2020 at 6:03pm

pledged £10

19th October 2020 at 12:04pm

pledged £10

16th October 2020 at 10:26am

pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid

15th October 2020 at 1:40pm

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid