If donations received were over the amount required, the money would be invested in the yearly development of the project and growth opportunities that would be available to them.
• Training
• Player accommodation
• hosting events
• Training equipment
Joshua, my son and honorary player of the team, and myself are going to cover 4 rounds of golf in a day (72 holes) on the 31st May to raise vital funds to support the Wales Transplant Football team achieve its goal of representing Wales in the inaugural Transplant Football World Cup in Italy.
Normally a round of golf takes between 3.5 to 4 hours with the walking distance ranging between 5 to 6 miles for each round played.
4 rounds would be very close to the distance of a marathon!
For every penny that is donated will help towards the cost of accommodation and flights, which as a team collective is £18,000
The management team and coaches are all voluntary and work tirelessly to positively promote organ donation across the whole of Wales, whilst consistently looking to grow the successful project that not only helps those living with chronic organ failure with their physical and mental health, but also connected them with others who have walked a similar path. The project then cements life long friendships and then forever apart of a supportive Transplant community.