by Thomas Rolph in Southampton, United Kingdom

Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

Raising money for venue hire, advertisements, and set costs for three separate, original, comedy (musical) shows.

by Thomas Rolph in Southampton, United Kingdom

Hi, I’m Tom and I’ve been to the Fringe 20 out of 22 years of my life. I love going and for the first time ever I’ve decided to write a show (well three shows) to bring up and perform. Each show is for a different audience, has a different cast, and individually needs to be funded, which is why I’ve set up this page!


To Be A Prince

The first show I’m bringing up is a parody of the Disney Prince. This one man show called ‘To Be A Prince’ is about a Prince who believes he is always pushed to the side, playing second fiddle and wishes to find a way to regain his story. With original music and script, it should be a fun (and hopefully funny) 50 minutes for all of the family. 


The Detective’s Demise

The second show I’m bringing up is a comedy, murder mystery musical with a cast of 7 called ‘The Detective’s Demise’. The biggest show I’m bringing up this year, I am doing this with a group of incredible performers and musicians from the University of Southampton. This show follows the death of a beloved(???) detective and how his fresh faced assistant must try and crack the case all on her own. 


Aaaaa Very Fringey Show

The third and final show I’m taking up is ‘Aaaaa Very Fringey Show’. After 2 decades of watching hundreds of shows at the Fringe, I think I’ve seen almost everything it has to offer twice over. All the standard tactics to get good reviews, all the fleabag wannabe’s and all 8 of the different bubble shows that come up. This show is a parody on all those different shows rolled into one hilarious hour of comedy. With a cast of 5, this should hopefully be a fun time for the people on stage and the people in the audience. 

What I hope to achieve

More than anything else, I would just love for the shows to be enjoyed by as many people as possible. The more seats we fill and the more laughs from the audience the happier I will be. Outside of this I’m hoping to create high quality cast recordings for both the musical shows, as well as possibly see a life in small theatres across the UK post Fringe. 

What we will use any funds for

All money raised would go towards helping to fund out venue costs at TheSpace and Paradise Green. Due to this being predominantly self-funded by myself any extra funding is much appreciated to attempt to make sure I don’t lose money over the Fringe period. Funds would also massively help us to advertise to a wider audience with Facebook ads, Programmes, and posters during the festival (which can be exceptionally expensive). 

Thank you so much for reading through all this and I hope you feel that my shows are worth funding. However, if nothing else it would be wonderful to see you at our shows in August for a fun time and a whole load of laughs! 


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

£20 Reward - Have the Cast Recordings sent to you!

For £20 you will get (once they are complete) the cast recordings of our show sent to you. They will be (fingers crossed) professionally recorded and mixed and you will be able to listen to our shows whenever you like!!!!!

£5 or more

£5 Reward - High Quality Images of the posters

We will send Images of our three posters in their highest definitions to anyone who pledges £5!!!

£10 or more

£10 Reward - Programme (And your name added to it)

For anyone who pledges £10 we will send over a PDF copy of our programme, which will have information on all the shows, performers, production teams, as well as your name getting added to a list of supporters within the programme when it is finally printed!

£50 or more

£50 Reward - Get a video from one of the casts!

If you pledge £50 then you will be able to request a video from any of the casts saying (within reason) anything you like!

£100 or more

£100 - A ticket to every show and an interview

For £100 I’m honestly not too sure what I can offer you, but if you love the look of these shows and you wish to support this much then we will send you a ticket for each of the shows on any day of your choosing. And would be happy to do an interview/chat with you for really as long as you’d like!!!

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