1st Elgin Scouts Kandersteg 2026

by 1st Elgin Scouts in Elgin, Moray, United Kingdom

1st Elgin Scouts Kandersteg 2026

Total raised £0

£3,000 target 72 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 20th April 2025 at 10:24pm

We are aiming to raise funds to support our young people visiting the Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland!

by 1st Elgin Scouts in Elgin, Moray, United Kingdom

In the summer of 2026 15 of our Scouts will be visiting the Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland (KISC) We are aiming to raise some funds to support the costs of travel, food, activites and other expenses faced by the Scouts.

The Scouts will travel with other Scouts across Moray totally around 96 members attending in total. The trip promises to be a once in a life time experience for our Scouts where they will develop international friendships, and develop resilience through the activities provided. 

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