Getting started is quick and easy

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Set up your page

Create your page in minutes - tell your story, explain your plans and set your fundraising target.

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Spread the word

Tell everyone you know about your project - friends, colleagues and others in your community can all help.

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Help and support

We’re here with a dedicated Knowledge Hub to help you get the absolute best out of your crowdfunder.

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Get funded

Your supporters can donate or pledge money in return for tempting rewards once your project succeeds.

We have over £10 million in match funding for community projects

Boost your community fundraising with a match funding grant from one of our +Extra funding partners. We have over £10 million available in grants from our UK matched funding partners, including AvivaBA, and Sport England. Check your eligibility and apply for extra support to get your local crowdfunding project to target faster.

+Extra funding

Crowdfunding animation

Trusted by happy customers

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Crowdfunder helped massively with...

Crowdfunder helped us massively with raising over 10k for our project.The help service team were great and addressed all our queries and questions quickly. The features and functionality on the site were easy to use and very intuitive and allowed us to tell our story to audiences. And the extra funding options were fab and brought in an extra 5k in funds.

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A great way to support worthwhile causes!

A diverse range of worthwhile charities and causes. It’s nice to see the amount of causes flourishing. A really intuitive layout, easy to navigate; allowing the person donating to leave a comment after donation, boosting a causes engagement, and perhaps urging others who are a little on the fence to donate too. The Prize Draws are also such a useful tool, allowing someone to win a usually unavailable item for their donation, a great way to bring in more donations!

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Very easy to deal with Crowdfunder…

Very easy to deal with the Crowdfunder platform. I found the process, from verification, through setting rewards to payment, very clear and easy to work with. By comparison, another two sites I looked at were impenetrable or really unsuited to what I was hoping to achieve. I would happily deal with Crowdfunder again.

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Ready to raise funds for your idea?