Our top 5 questions

The top questions we get are...

Q. I’m going it alone and I’m too busy

A. Remember you can reach out to people you know! What do you need help with? Find someone who is great at doing that, or who is willing to learn with you.

Q. I’m not confident asking people for money

A. That awkward money question can be avoided when you explain why you’re doing something. Tell them the impact you want to make and how their contribution will make a difference.

Q. I don’t use social media, I’m not a marketing person and I need some guidance!

A. Never fear, the Crowdfunder team have put together this helpful guide to take you through the process! 

Q. I’m not IT savvy enough to create a good page and video

A. Crowdfunder’s set up process has been created to be as guided as possible and if you get stuck, you can always contact [email protected]. Now, onto the video. Don’t worry, no one is expecting you to produce an Oscar worthy film. Ask someone you know, or work with a professional to help you with the basics. You never know, you might pick up a new hobby!

So go on, give it a go!

There’s nothing like experience to gain these skills.