Supporting Scotland's playgroups

Join the Everything To Play For appeal and start raising the funds you need

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About the Everything To Play For Appeal

Crowdfunder is working with Early Years Scotland to help playgroups across Scotland raise the funds they desperately need.

The local playgroup has been a fixture in towns and villages across the length and breadth of Scotland for over 50 years. Different generations of local families had some of their earliest play and learning experiences alongside other children in church halls and community centres – a grandparent picking their four-year-old grandchild up from the local playgroup today may well have attended the group themselves as a child.

The cost of living crisis has added to the financial burden for groups, pushing up hall rents, the cost of resources and equipment etc.

Whether your playgroup needs to raise money for equipment, venue hire fees, staffing or other expenses, this is the crowdfunding platform for you.

Setting up a project is quick and easy and our platform will guide you through the process. Plus we're here every step of the way through your crowdfunding journey with our dedicated knowledge hub.

Playgroups play a vital role in our community

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Why crowdfund for your playgroup?

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Upgrade play equipment

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Purchase educational materials and supplies

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Cover facility expenses (e.g. hire fees, utilities)

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Develop programmes for younger years

Toddlers eating lunch

So what are you waiting for?