Get behind the projects

Support British communties during the coronavirus crisis

There will be a surge in demand for many services in the coming weeks

The unprecedented situation is bringing out the very best in our communities and we're working together to help those that need it most.

That's what Crowdfunder is all about, and we're here to play our part in the response across the UK. We're urging communities to support their volunteer or community groups because together, we can get through this.

Discover groups in your area, or support organisations in others. Big or small, they're playing a vital role on the frontline at the time it's needed most. A pledge means so much right now.

Live and funding right now

Need funds for a community group?

Big or small, the response is coming from people on the ground in communities

Want to speak to Crowdfunder?

Get in touch with our team of experts if you have a question



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