by kirankaur8 in Leicester

We did it
On 18th January 2015 we successfully raised £520 with 8 supporters in 28 days

CLIC is upcoming news app for children aged 11 to 16. The aim is to get young people involved in the news. Educating and Informing.

by kirankaur8 in Leicester

 New stretch target

Our Stretch Target


What will I use the extra money for?

Extra money is for the app to expand national instead of just in Leicester.

CLIC News is a mobile app that is looking to change the view & opinion young people have on news. It is to engage & involve them in making changes to their future. The young people of today need to become a voice to the public. CLIC News aims to do this. 

The app target audience is 11-16 year olds.

We have chosen to go for this target audience as we feel that this age range is when many young people develop and grow. It is also a crucial point for when life changing decisions are made. 

The app will consist of several different topics... 

  • News
  • Technology 
  • Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Film
  • Music

A separate page will also be made for children to post articles, once reviewed by myself. This will be an advantage to the children as it will look good on their CV as a voluntary job. It also sets a lot of children up for their future if they are interested in going into the media industry. The app will be presented at secondary schools so that the target audience will be aware of the app and start to use it. CLIC News is the future for the next generation and it is all going to start here!


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